इस ब्रह्माण्ड में व्याप्त प्राण ही परमात्मा है। हमारे शरीर के अणु अणु में भी वही प्राण स्वरुप परमात्मा विराजमान है।
Prana that pervades this universe is God. Even in the atoms of our body, the same prana form of God resides.
Prana that pervades this universe is God. Even in the atoms of our body, the same prana form of God resides.
Welcome to Om Tapovan Ashram
Our ashram offers a diverse programme of lessons and training courses in different spheres such as Meditation teachings, Dhyan Sadhna, Pran Chikitsa, Kriya Yog, Vibrations and so on. You are Welcome!
Upcoming Events
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Divya Drashti / Midbrain Activation Shibir for Kids
Time 5:00PM-1:00PM
More About Midbrain Activation Shibir for Kids “MID BRAIN ACTIVATION SHIBIR” is organised at OM Tapovan for the overall development of children, understanding of spiritual matters, and also to increase…
Our Core Vision
આધ્યાત્મિકતા, વિજ્ઞાન અને પ્રાણનો સમન્વય કરીને ઈશ્વરીય ચેતના સાથે જોડાઈ વાઇબ્રેશન ના માધ્યમથી તેનો અનુભવ કરી સમગ વિશ્વને જ્ઞાનમય, ધ્યાનમય પ્રાણમય બનાવીએ એ જ ૐ તપોવન આશ્રમ નો મૂળ હેતુ છે.
ॐ तपोवन का मूल उद्देश्य आध्यात्मिक, विज्ञान और प्राण का समन्वय करके ईश्वरीय चेतना से जोड़ना और वाइब्रेशन (कंपन) के माध्यम से पूरे विश्व को ज्ञानमय, ध्यानमय और प्राणमय बनाना है।
The fundamental mission of Om Tapovan Ashram is to connect with divine consciousness by coordinating Spirituality, Science and Pran to make the entire world Gyanmay, Dhyanmay and Pranmay.
Om Tapovan Charitable Trust